Thursday, October 30, 2014

INNOVV C3 HDMI Extension Cable

There are many messages from people asking how to get longer lens cable, or how "I want to lens cable to be 3m, how to do?"
"When 3m lens cable is available?
"I want to extend lens cable to be 3m or longer, how to do?"
"Where to buy the extension cable to get lens reach 3m?"

People keep sending message asking for above, Here is the answers,

To have lens reached 3m or longer, you can buy the extension cable, which is available from below link,

Thanks for @willy510, he found it and tested, it works well.

BTW, people may ask why we do not offer 3m lens cable which has been discussed during the development.
We have tested 3m lens cable samples, it works well and be ready to release,
Later we found 3m long for car is OK but for motorcycle, it is too long, people want C3 can be on car and motorcycle, so extension cable will be a smart solution.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Willy 510 and INNOVV C3

I’m really impressed Willy510’s rich knowledge and solid skill for what he has done with the INNOVV C3 since the early stages of development, testing, and now supporting the people that are using the C3. I’ve collected a few of his posts and videos below to share, and people said, Willy is "DA MAN"!

Below is message from Willy 510,
Put one of the C3's in the rental car while I'm up in British Columbia
Screen grab from my phone, don't have my laptop with me to get a high resolution frame grab.

The POV mount makes it easy to get video and pics when you cross a bouncy suspension bridge while holding on.

Made a highlight video using a couple of C3's of my trip to British Columbia last week
shot videos using Innovv C3 camera using POV mount and dashcam mount in the rental car
POV videos are using the 120 degree lens , dashcam videos are 90 degree lens.

Here's what the Innovv logo looks like the the C3 point of view
(He made the logo, and people said it looks great.)

You also can see how he put C3 on gun. 

More than the videos, He is sharing his DIY projects and skills,

I saw one of these on line last night and thought maybe it might make a decent cheap weather resistant case for the recording unit.
I stopped at a hardware store on the way back from work today and found them 1.25 inch in diameter and 12 inches long for a whopping $1.45
The caps fit night and snug and are flexible and the tube is flexible too. It flexes into an oval shape with the recoding unit in it and I poked a couple of holes in the caps for the cords and did some length trimming with scissors.

Also if you were wanting a longer cable for your lens, I bought a couple of mini HDMI extension cables and was able to extend the lens cable length to 3.9 meters or just under 13 feet with no negative effect to video in the tests I did today. I don't know if that's the limit for extension, it's just the length that I bought.

Here's how to make the external mic work while to have power to the camera.
You'll need to be able to solder small things and not be afraid to cut up the camera cables that you just bought, also a right angle micro usb housing or any plug housing that you want to use, small pliers or tweezers and a razor blade and a hot glue gun.

 And he tells me that there are more DIY mods to come…