Tuesday, December 30, 2014

ToyRun 2014 World's Fastest Santa!

This is from RidingWithTom, people are very impressed, 

Great event really good cause to! Loving the stunting at the end, what camera did you use for the slowmo stuff? 

Very nice ride. Can't wait 'till I get a bike and do a good long ride like that, uninterrupted and no camera bull shit though =P

Shoot my toy run up here was wet and cold. It looks like it was sunny and warm down there. 

Awesome. Nice costume. Luckily you can ride your bikes in winter too.. Not so in Europe. :(

Stay Cool! Why not bring INNOVV C3 to guys? Have fun and enjoy!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy 2015

Time is flying, soon 2014 will be over and we will be welcoming in the year 2015.  It's time to wish all our customers and followers seasons greetings and a happy and prosperous new year.

Looking back at the last blog, Merry Christmas and happy 2014, and the goals we set ourselves I hope we achieved what we set out to do after making huge efforts in 2014.

Our primary objective was closer communication with people.
The website monthly visits now reach 6000. The blog monthly visits now reach 5000 monthly. And we have had a good following on other forums, notably dashcamtalk.  And thanks to Willy.  He brings INNOVV C3 to motorcycle forums, like advrider.com and bayarearidersforum,

New Developments and Upgrading
To help us with future developmens we have been learning from discussions on forums and noting suggestions and ideas . Collecting ideas and making carefully considered plans before starting new developments. The 'wishlist' thread was very very useful in deciding what changes to make to our new products. 
The wishlist for motorcycle and riding camera 

The INNOVV C3 is a very exciting new development and YouTube reviewer Techmoan said in his blog that it's the World's first motorcycle dashcam!

We are now moving into a new year and would like to introduce more new developments and make further improvements including even  better communications with people and more discussion regarding our new developments with support from forums.  Always to let people See it, Touch it, Like it.

Finally I would like to share this video of INNOVV C1 is hot  with you all as people have said “This brings back old memories of when I was a kid and a local TV station would put a video of a burning Yule log on the screen all night on Christmas eve. :)